First Visit
Welcome to Manning Road Chiropractic Centre. Upon arrival, you will be warmly welcomed by our lovely Chiropractic Assistant, who will acquaint you with our facilities and provide you with some paperwork to fill out.
Dr Pamela Hellemons, our friendly Chiropractor will then meet you for an initial consultation of approximately 30 minutes and discuss your health goals, do a thorough history and assess whether Chiropractic care will be right for you.
Dr Hellemons will then proceed to conduct a thorough examination. This will involve assessing posture, range of motion, balance, neurological testing, orthopaedic testing, how the spine is functioning and any other examinations deemed necessary, specific to you.
If Dr Hellemons believes you are a suitable candidate for Chiropractic Care, she will discuss the need for X-rays with you. We pride ourselves on being thorough, and an appropriate course of action can only be decided on if all the necessary ground work is done first.

Second Visit
Following the initial consultation and examination, the second visit is a report of findings. If X-rays were deemed to be necessary, Dr Hellemons will go through them with you in great detail explaining all the changes or abnormalities seen and what your options are from there. It is at this point that your Chiropractor will have enough clinical information to develop a customised care plan that will provide the best possible results for you and to prevent future reoccurances. If you are happy to proceed with care, you will be able to receive your first adjustment today also.
Our Chiropractor, Dr Hellemons, is licensed to take X-rays and we have in-house facilities which allows us to conveniently perform those for you in the one location. This also means no waiting times for X-rays to be delivered and you can get started on your care much quicker.
The reasons for obtaining X-rays are:
To make sure your spine is structurally stable and there are no underlying abnormalities which may impact care
To complete the clinical picture by seeing more clearly the postural patterns, underlying biomechanics and the specific misalignments, so that your Chiropractor can more effectively correct your spine and return you to a state of optimal health and well-being.
To investigate the chronicity of your misalignments and potential degenerative changes as a result. This involves looking at your spinal curves, disc spaces and arthritic activity to be able to set a proper expectation on time frame for your care.
If you have any concerns about the X-rays, chat to Dr Hellemons about it during the consultation. She will respect your concerns and is happy to discuss the options available to you.
Regular Visits
All the groundwork has now been laid in the first two visits and therefore your Chiropractor has all the information to begin care.
Each following visit will range from 5-15 highly focused minutes, depending on how much is happening, how quickly your body is responding and if you have any acute flare ups.
During these appointments, your Chiropractor will assess your spine and nervous system, adjust you and get you on your way.